Do you think all your marketing and advertising efforts to your website in getting more traffic to your website have turned out to be nugatory? Did you ever think anything you have not done or done it inappropriately could be the reason for this? Yes. This could be the result of the latter. Google is not only a benefactor for your business, but also a detective agent that eschews your website on its search engine result page (SERP) in case it doesn’t follow some standards it has enforced. Google continually imposes new standards websites must follow and the websites are obliged to comply with these standards to be able to appear in the SERPs. Wait! Don’t think Google’s impositions are inconsiderate and acrimonious. Google will not and can not impose the standards according to its whims and fancies. It loves what the searchers love.
When there is a decline or no traffic at all to your website, it could, more often than not, be because of Google penalty, a nightmare that can be intimidating to your website. Your website will be demoted in the Google ranking or it is completely obviated from the Google search results. Here are some factors that can impact your website’s ranking:
Typically, a website is penalized in two ways – either the Google’s spam team spots the anomalies in your website and issues a manual action or Google’s updates can cause your website to fall behind in the rankings. The former is called manual penalty or manual action while the latter is called algorithmic penalty.
Manual Action is applied when someone from Google’s spam team has flagged your website for violating Google’s webmaster guidelines. To see if there is a manual action on your website, go to Google Search Console, a non-paid service offered by Google, with which you can view your website’s progress in Google search results. If there is a manual action on your website, you’ll see a notification you’ll have a notification from Google that there is a manual penalty imposed on your website in the Google Search Console. Alternatively, you’ll see a tick, highlighted in red on the top right corner of the page and if your website is in good standing, the tick will be highlighted in green. You can also check for Google penalties using the manual actions report.
Here are the examples of Ads:
After fixing all the above problems, and when you are assertive that your website is no longer violates Google’s guidelines, you must request for reconsideration of your website. Google will notify you when its spam team has reviewed your website. If they determine that your website is in line with Google’s webmaster guidelines, they will revoke the manual penalty.
Of late, Google has drastically reduced human intervention, and hence you won’t see much of manual actions. Sophisticated algorithms have taken place of manual actions that automatically impose befitting restrictions on websites if they do not abide by Google webmaster guidelines. Unlike manual actions, the algorithmic Penalty is difficult to detect as you won’t receive any notification. The best way to track this type of penalty is by noticing a massive decline in the traffic, out of the blue.
The only way to regain your ranking is to fix these issues and wait for Google’s response. The most important thing you must do is to remove the bad links using the Google’s ‘Disavow’ tool. After around ten days of disavowing the links, you’ll receive a notification that the links have been disavowed successfully. Subsequently, reindexing has to be done thru Google’s webmaster. When Google releases its next algorithmic update, it is most likely that your website’s privileges are restored.
The best way to avoid being penalized by Google is by choosing the right Digital Marketing Expert who can be a guide to the digital marketing of your business.